Monday, January 2, 2012

nervous bird

See all of those t-shirts? None of them is a Christmas present.

Well, so far...

My secret idea of scariness, also shyness, also uncertainty, is that I have been pondering opening up an Etsy shop.
The something I am planning to sell has had several evolutions and failures, but I made extra t-shirts when I was working on my Christmas presents, and, while I definitely have a few duds that won't be doing anything special, I need to do something with the leftovers.

Here are a few examples:

I think that is, quite possibly, the largest number of pictures of myself I've ever posted on this blog. Dislike.

Also, I made myself a sweatshirt!


So, basically, I have this ginormo pile of shirts that need a purpose.
But I am a) afraid of failure,
b) not really keen on modeling shirts.

Stay tuned for Christmas presents post, part two! :D


  1. I will model for you if I can have a shirt! or I will buy one from you. Either way, I need one, and these are amazing. <3

  2. Ooo! A willing model! :D Thank you! I'll keep you posted on when I start to do things. :D

  3. The shirts are swanky! i'd like to purchase one soon, as well =D

    also, you are a lovely model!
