Monday, April 4, 2011

eighteenth bird

Ok. The real eighteenth bird is Make some clay and then make something with it that you've never made before, which is a) sort of ridiculous and b) taking me a really long time to complete.
So, while I'm working on that I thought I would keep moving forward. Which, I admit, has the potential to completely slow down my progress. But, whatever.

Write a 10-word love story and illustrate it.

I thought about doing something awesome about God, but illustrating God is sort of tricky. As in, yeah, maybe don't do that unless you have a really good idea. And the really good idea is already taken (and is on the bulletin board at church).
So, I went with my second-favorite love story, which is mine.

Here is the back story: once upon a time I was sitting in Honors Forum drinking my Sprite and waiting for class to start. A classmate walked up with this really tall dude to say hello. He knocked over my soda, ran away to get paper towels, cleaned up the mess, and then ran away to sit on the other side of the room without looking at me. A few weeks later he asked me out to lunch when he crashed my Comp. I class. He didn't remember that I was the lady of the infamous soda, but I remembered that he was the tall dude of small shame.

The picture/story:

1 comment:

  1. While your working on the clay, will you write more of your love story? I want a sequel! and so on!

